Golden Casino, a member of Golden Palace Casino Group, runs on RTG Vegas Technology Odds On Software and offers over 111 games – including many slots and eight progressive slots and table games jackpots. This Casino has established a reputation for good customer support and gets positive feedback from both players and webmasters, offering an average payout percentage of 98.5%….Here is the list of Odds On Games….Options: Currency -US$ (min $20), play for fun (free games), Flash Casino. Games rules are available from the main menu….Golden Casino on line has a comp program, The Crown Jewels VIP Rewards Program, which has levels depending on how much you play. The different levels offer better comp
point ratios, weekly free bonuses, cash back, and deposit bonuses….Purchase: US Players – Golden Casino on line has made arrangements to ensure your credit card transactions are processed without any problem), Solid Debit Card for use at ATMs (see * below). Non-US Players: The above methods plus Click2Pay and NETeller.
Withdrawals: Minimum $50. NETeller, Bank Wire (2.25% fee), CashinHand ($30 Service Charge plus $9.95 at point of pickup), Check (regular mail $15/express via FedEx $35 -no PO Boxes), Solid Debit Card (* account and card are free)….Support: 24/7 Toll-Free Telephone and Fax in the US, two email addresses, andFAQs. Golden Casino is licensed for gaming in Curacao, a member of CIGA (Curacao Internet Gaming Association).