Playzee Casino Vip
If you’ve been to Playzee Casino, there’s a one hundred percent chance that you know about their loyalty program which is called “The Zee Club” If not, let us introduce you to this exciting program which will surely keep you coming back to Playzee.
How to get into the Zee Club
You actually just have to sign up to Playzee and you will automatically be enrolled to the program. Just make your first deposit and you will be awarded 500 Zee Points to get you started.
How to earn Zee Points
Earning Zee Points is easy.
For every deposit you make, you will earn 100% Zee Points. Plus, with every €10 you deposit, you will earn 10 extra Zee Points.
When you place a bet of €5 on slots, you earn 1 Zee Point. Placing a bet of €40 on either Roulette Games, Video Poker, or Card Games will earn you another 1 Zee Point. Finally, a €10 bet on all the other games in the casino will earn you 1 point.
How to climb up the ladder
The Zee Club is the first ladder in this program which will give you access to weekly promos and special events. Plus, you will also be eligible to receive the Sunday bonus of 5 Zee Spins.
Next up in the ladder is Master Zee which you will reach when you accumulate 7500 points. It comes with a €15 Bonus plus 15 Zee Spins, 20 zee spins on Sundays, and a lot more.
Next in the ladder is Doctore Zee. Accumulate 15000 points to reach this level which come with even more exclusive perks.
Professor Zee is the next level up after Doctor Zee which you will need 30000 points to reach.
And finally, you will be invited to the Zee Secret Society when Zeegmund thinks you’ve earned it already!